Why is training important? A guide to knowing what your dog needs. Fenton, MI

Why is Training Important?

Training is important for many purposes, but most importantly it helps to meet the mental needs of our dogs. Most dog breeds that are now house pets, were at one time intended for a working purpose. Their main objective now is to be a companion, but at one time they had jobs to do like hunting, guarding and herding. Without proper mental stimulation, we are not meeting the needs of our furry friends to the fullest. Training helps bridge the gap and mimic jobs for our dogs.

We exercise our dog, that’s not enough?

Through training, we help to curb unwanted behaviors such as digging, barking, anxiety, or even aggression, by giving our friends an appropriate outlet for their excess mental energy. When only physical needs are met, we end up with a dog that can easily outlast us, which then becomes challenging to burn extra energy. Using training, and challenging the dog mentally, helps to exhaust them without building physical endurance. 

My dog already knows sit, stay, and down. What else is there to teach them?

There are a variety of things dogs can learn. For example, learning a new skill like jumping over a hurdle, or mastering a new trick. You can also challenge your pet by having them maintain a command in a variety of different positions, distances, and having them hold the command for different variations of time. These drills build self control at a much higher level! Another example would be having your dog go into the down position, then adding a distraction like a bouncing ball, and not allowing them to have it until they’ve been released. You could even increase difficulty by walking around them while they are holding position. 

How does this apply to our day to day?

If you’re able to implement training into your day to day life, you’ll work to build a better working relationship with your dog, while mentally stimulating him at the same time. Simple requests such as asking your dog to sit at thresholds, and wait for the release to pass through, will help in all areas of mental health for your dog.

For more information, or to speak with a trainer about your dog, please feel free to contact us at Einstein Dog Training! You can visit our website at www.eintseindogtraining.com, or call 248-733-3776.