Training Games: make training fun! Howell MI

Give that dog a job!

Have you ever had a job that you loved doing? One that got you excited and that you look forward to? That’s the way we want to look at dog training. There is no better way to build a bond and have a well adjusted dog then to work with them. Going for walks is nice and important, but not enough for most dogs. Mental exercise is where you get so much more out of your time. This will be more satisfying, and give your dog focus and a balanced state of being. 

There are endless ways to engage your dog in play. It’s important to find ones that your dog enjoys and ones that fulfill the needs of the breed you have. Some will enjoy searching, while others may thrive on a more physical level. And so many like it all! 

What if my dog likes to tug? Will that make them more aggressive? 

Believe it or not, tug is a fantastic game with lots of learning opportunities. When done properly it teaches your dog they need YOU to play the game. When you let them win, they feel great about it and immediately bring it right back to you so they can continue to play. It is a way better alternative to wrestling with your dog, as tug teaches them that they can only put their mouth on a toy, and never a human. It takes the confusion out of the equation for the dog of where they are allowed to put their mouth during play. Along with teaching them how to play tug, you will want to teach the “out” command. 

My dog is not good at coming when called. He seems to play keep away, and I end up chasing him forever! How do I get him to want to come to me?

The recall is one of the most important commands you can teach your dog! It quite literally can save their lives. This is where a game called restrained recall comes in handy. It’s a reward based system that teaches the dog that the handler = greatest fun. You will need two people to play this, so it can be a fun way to get the family involved. One person can hold your dog, while the other teases it with a tug toy, then takes off running. After the runner has taken a few strides, the holder releases the dog and chases. The dog then catches the runner, and tugs on the toy.  

My dog is food obsessed! And constantly inhaling their meals. What can I do about that?

This is one of the ways nose work games come in handy. It engages the brain by problem solving. It fulfills the instinct to hunt for food, and slows down those dogs that eat way too fast! You can go as simple as placing their food bowl in a different room of the house or yard, or dividing it into small portions then hiding them in multiple locations. Another game would be to toss dog food in the grass so they have to hunt for it. You can find loads of fun and creative nose work games online! 

My dog is obsessed with chasing squirrels! What can I do to channel that?

Dogs are predators, so chasing prey is something fun and instinctual. Since we can’t change instincts, why not give them a proper outlet where they get a great workout and can be done anywhere you have a bit of space! This is where the flirt pole comes in.  A flirt pole is like a giant cat toy, but for a dog. Something simple can be made at home from pvc, rope, and a toy. Or they can be purchased online or in some pet stores. Moving the toy around sporadically will encourage them to chase, while getting physical and mental stimulation together. 

My dog loves to play with other dogs. He’s so high energy I feel like that’s the best way to drain it. Would you agree?

We always say, “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.” Play time is an excellent time for training. Before you allow your dog to play with other dogs (whether they are housemates or other), you should always set the tone. Start with obedience and focus work. Then, once you have the energy level of your dog where you want it, let them play. Periodically you want to recall the dogs and get their attention back on you. This controls the excitement level and minimizes the risk of negative actions between the dogs. 

The most important thing to remember is that you got this dog to enhance your life, but you are your dog’s life. Engage them. Make working with them fun. You’re the most important thing in their life, make sure they know that. And enjoy your best friend! 

If you’re having trouble with your friend, give us a call at 248-733-3776 to discuss your problems with our pro staff. Serving Oakland, Genesee, and Livingston County MI.